It is gratifying that, not only is as active athletes like Sun Yang, China is demonstrating the proper style sporting nation and values ​​on the international sports arena, an increasing number of China's outstanding retired athletes in different areas still can continue to play their influence is worth a one hundred Chinese promo Yao Ming influence Needless to say, he has served as former IOC Athletes' Commission, sport and the environment committee of the ping-pong queen Deng Yaping , also retired athletes successful transformation model; former Prince of Gymnastics Li Ning, the largest single-handedly founded the sports brand has become well-known in the business community with the Chinese women's volleyball air jordan 5 retro homme pas cher team won four world champions retired after Lang Ping has grown to become one charismatic Volleyball World marshal. Hengda women's volleyball club currently teaches Lang Ping, led a group of outstanding players, many of them such as Tom Logan superstar players, and these foreign aid to China Volleyball League is pleased to be able to play, in addition to a generous salary, they without exception, said Lang Ping appreciate the level of coaching and style, hoping to play in the JENNY (Lang English name) guidance in recent years, China hosted the Beijing Olympic Games, the Guangzhou Asian Games and World University Games, the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing and Beijing World Athletics Championships and a series air jordan 11 retro pas cher of major international events, but also under active preparation according to foreign sports marketing research agency statistics, each individual World Championships in China between 2007 to 2018, held the most. China has become a huge success on the state of the world's major international sporting events held in the most attractive of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, so that the level of organization of international events China has leapt to a new level. It has a Spanish World Cup broadcasting rights in the United States. The broadcast network broadcasting rights for the World Cup in 2002 and 2006 paid $ 1.5 billion in Israel sparked World Cup TV sales boom. According to local media reports, in May, there were 43 million people in Israel purchased a new television set, the number of Israeli imports grew by 24 to get a better viewing experience, the Israeli fans have chosen a large screen LCD TV, which also Let Israel in May the average price jumped 108 TV sales, however, Israel's fans to watch the World Cup all screenings of new television alone can not, must also pay an amount equal to the local cable operators an additional 600 yuan in costs, because the local public channels broadcast only after the final 14 races of the same sessions, the east by the World Cup, the British high-definition digital television recently selling hot. Article reprint from :


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